Christy Mann-Founder/Editor/Publisher

Meet Christy Mann

Founder, Editor, Publisher

Christy Mann is the visionary force behind Twisted Souls Press, serving as its Founder, Editor, and Publisher. With a passion for storytelling and a deep understanding of the human psyche, Christy has built TSP into a thriving platform for authors to explore the darkest corners of the imagination.

About Christy

Christy Mann is a multifaceted entrepreneur with a flair for the unconventional. As an author, publisher, and metaphysical enthusiast, she brings a unique perspective to the world of dark fiction. With a keen eye for talent and a dedication to quality, Christy has cultivated a diverse roster of authors whose works push the boundaries of the genre.

Why Twisted Souls Press?

For Christy, the creation of Twisted Souls Press was a labor of love born out of a desire to provide a platform for writers who dare to explore the depths of the human experience. With a background in publishing and a passion for dark fiction, she saw an opportunity to carve out a niche in the literary world and hasn’t looked back since.

What Drives Christy

Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of storytelling, Christy is dedicated to ensuring that Twisted Souls Press remains at the forefront of the dark fiction genre. With a keen eye for talent and a passion for innovation, she continues to push herself and her team to new heights, always striving to deliver captivating stories that leave a lasting impact on readers.