Publishing Submissions

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Please note, we are very strict about authors following our submission guidelines. We don’t want to reject anyone, but you have to be able to read, understand, and follow instructions for us to move forward together. Starting with the submission process allows us to determine very quickly who we can work with and who we cannot.

Genres Accepted: We are not a genre-specific publisher. We will consider all types of written works submitted correctly. We do have a preference for “dark fiction,” but we believe that life is a twist of light and dark, and people need both to be whole, so both are considered.


  • Font: 12-14 pt font, Verdana, Tahoma, Century Gothic, Trebuchet, Calibri, or Open Sans
  • Text Color: Standard black
  • Paragraphs: Block paragraphs (no indents)
  • Spacing: Single spacing after punctuation

Document Type and Title: Documents must be written in a word processor compatible with Word or Google Docs and saved as “Manuscript Title. author initials.docx.” Grammar and spell checks must have been run, and corrections listed made. Running the document through this app and making the shown changes will help speed up the process on our end also and help us get your work published quicker and with a lot less back and forth.

Plagiarism Checks: We will run submitted documents through a third-party plagiarism checker. To pass, a document must contain less than 7% plagiarized content, and the 7% must be referenced properly. No exceptions.

AI Assisted Submissions: AI is a tool. We do not ask if any other tools have been used to write, edit, or otherwise prepare for submission, and we do not publicize what tools we use in our processes to produce books from manuscripts. The tools you use to write are your business.

Note: Our thorough review process, which includes market research and strategic pre-planning, can result in lengthy review periods. While you wait for a response from us, you are welcome to submit to other publishers or even self-publish; just do us a favor and let us know if you get signed elsewhere.

Please understand that lengthy review periods and rejections are not a reflection of your talent, but rather recommendations based on our ability to effectively promote your work. We always strive to act in your best interests, even if it means suggesting alternative publishing routes. Thank you for considering us as your publisher.

When you and your manuscript are ready, submit to and get ready for the ride of your life!

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